GhostWritingKing guarantees the creation of a top-notch bestseller that perfectly resonates with the readers and fulfills all your desires and requirements.

Our team of exceptional specialists will handle every aspect of the book that you don't have time for, including developing or refining the concept, structuring drafts and manuscripts, writing the text (either partially or completely), editing the drafts, and even selecting the book's title based on competitor analysis and search queries.

Here's how it works:
  1. Develop or refine the book concept: If you have an idea, we can help shape it into a well-defined concept. Alternatively, if you already have a concept, we'll fine-tune and enhance it.
  2. Structure your drafts and manuscripts: If you've started writing but need help organizing your thoughts and content, we'll structure your drafts and manuscripts to create a coherent flow.
  3. Write the text, either fully or partially: Our talented writers can either write the entire book for you based on your ideas and input, or we can collaborate and write specific sections as needed.
  4. Edit the draft: We provide expert editing services to polish and refine your manuscript, ensuring it meets the highest standards of quality.
  5. Select the book's title: Based on thorough analysis of competitors' books and relevant search queries, we'll assist you in choosing the perfect title that captivates readers and aligns with your content.

The legal aspect:
To ensure your safety and convenience, we'll send you a contract. However, if you're uncomfortable signing it, we still guarantee the utmost confidentiality and security for our services. At this stage, we'll also help you choose a suitable package and create a payment plan that suits you.

The journey begins! The first stage:
This phase involves outlining the book, establishing the overall vision, and gathering essential tips. We'll finalize the book's structure, gather materials, and write drafts. We'll share the work plan (including abstract descriptions of chapters) for your approval. Once you give the green light, the writing process begins. You'll have the freedom to make edits, suggestions, and comments throughout the entire process. If you prefer not to, that's perfectly fine too.

The finishing touches! The second stage:
After you approve 50% of the book, we'll proceed to complete it. This stage includes writing the remaining part of the book and meticulously editing and proofreading the entire manuscript.

Voila! Your perfect book is ready:
Once all the stages are complete, your book will be ready to shine. Depending on your chosen package, we can also provide consultation, write accompanying texts, design the cover, create an audiobook, and even handle the publishing process.

Your book is entirely yours:
Your book will be unequivocally associated with you – your voice, your thoughts, and your dream! And we firmly believe it's worth every moment of the journey, don't you think?

How We Work